
Showing posts from 2023

A ( personal) letter for Michael Joe Jackson

  My dear Michael  How are you today? how have you been since That day, fourteen years ago?  you know, every year we tell you how we feel about not having you here with us the way we wish to have you here. we tell you how much we miss you what exactly we miss about you. we try our best to fill that hole with beautiful loving words. I wish we could give you more than words.  we do that all day everyday, we really don't need a special day.  that's for the ones who needs a reminder to why you are so loved.  we know why. 24/7 we know. Today I am curious about how you felt that day. and since that day. were you scared? were you relieved?  were you excited, happy, sad? all the above?  Do you miss us? I'm sure you do, but do you miss us as much as we miss you? you can't say "I miss you more" that's just simply not possible.  do you think of us daily, or are you more focused on your dreams and goals?  are you writing letters to all of us that only you can read? (

This Is It- June 25th 2023

 ___THIS IS IT___ This amusement park  is big and wide it is most of the time  a fun ride i can't say i liked all it had to offer although I had lots of fun,   trust me I did not suffer. Now my day of fun is coming to an end I loved this place,  it became my friend. you see, I came here for a purpose  I wanted to believe in magic to learn how dreams come true I often dream of you  I threw some coins  in the wishing well  I made my wish  and rang the bell so now I wait to see   what happens with it all  will you suddenly rise  or are we all going to fall this feels like an end should I get back with my friend? or perhaps it is a start  of a new story  filled with Triumph  filled with glory that is my hope  this is my prayer  to come out of this park and see us all there  gathering in a new place filled with laughter  of victory to hear you tell stories  full of wonder and mystery  that one day  will be written   in those pages   of history     written by mdlovemj4ever

Magical June

  Can you believe that its finally here? The time I have been waiting for probably since the beginning of this year when I started noticing some really obvious clues from Michael regarding BAM day. I am not sure if I am excited, or nervous or what I feel, all I know is that I am full of hope that this month will be a magical one. For the moonwalkers who do not expect our Michael to return, (I am sure they want him to, but since they are convinced he is truly gone they know it's not an option) anyway, for them this year will be the same as every year.     like every year it will start with June 13 th which is Victory day, the day our Michael got the justice that he deserved 18 years ago.   I guess we can also call it Justice day, or in your face day, honestly I have many ideas how to call that day, all my ideas are about the things we should say to those who wanted to see Michael behind bars.   And since I have no loving words for them I will keep those names to myself, I&#

My husband Michael part 2- true love or a habit?

  These days I am getting ready for June 25 th.  I am trying to create a meaningful video that will show my love and appreciation for the man we all just can't stop loving. Two years ago I created a short film of fans telling Michael what he means to them, it was a very emotional video, I loved the outcome. But as I said it's been two years, and so much as changed. When I started thinking about creating a similar video for this June 25 th , while creating, and editing the video, I felt that something isn’t right, something was missing. I knew what it was, it was lack of authenticity. Not because I stopped loving Michael, that will never happen. I have realized that I love him more today than I ever have, but I also noticed that my love for him feels and looks different.   I always joke and call Michael my husband, but I came to realize that maybe things are a little more serious than seemed. lately I started thinking that maybe my love for him is exactly like a real lif

what is really going on?

  Do you ever have those days where you are telling people what you really think or feel and you know that most or all will not agree with you but you express your thoughts anyway because you value your truth more than the opinions of others on you? That's exactly what happened to me this week when I expressed that I am siding with the estate on the matter of them wanting to sell the catalog, and Kathrine Jackson being against it. Yes, I sided with the estate, and even though I knew that people will not like it, I decided to share my personal view on the subject. For those of you who do not listen to my new podcast called Faux News, that originally was supposed to be about the death hoax, and already in the second episode I decided to add more topics, which is not completely my fault, things keep happening in Michael's world, and I want to talk about it. And besides I have not noticed any new clues recently and I got tired repeating the old ones. So already on the third e

The comeback story

  This week we are getting so many hints about the comeback, and not just from Michael himself, also from his nephews, and from his good friend Chris tucker. Of course I have to say, all those clues that I keep finding, are just my interpretations to all the images and words that I see, it's not science and it is not a guaranty that something will actually happen this year. But there is something about the things I am seeing and in the intensity I am seeing it since the beginning of this year, that made me strongly believe that this year is The year I have been waiting for a long time.   All of us believers are waiting for that day, and we know it will be better than we can imagine it to be. Last week right after I was done writing my post for this blog and shared with you some clues that I have noticed, it looked like we got another one, that tells us that Michael will be back on June 13 th this year.     last week on the 13 th of April an article came out, with Chris

Lucky number 7

  This week I hit 7k followers in my Instagram account, getting to as many people possible was one of my wishes when I started creating videos that told about the real Michael.   As creative as I tried to be back then, (feels like 10 years ago) nothing worked, I had podcasts, I created cartooned characters, gave them a voice, a personality.   (is it weird that I miss one of them called JJ?) I wrote many scripts, edited for days and weeks and months, I really used anything I could think of. I wanted to be different, I wanted to be unique, I believed it would lure people to listen to my messages. Which was "get to know the real Michael, the man the media tells you about, simply does not exist".   There were many fans out there with channels dedicated to Michael, so being a competitive person, I wanted to stand out. Being competitive is not entirely my fault, I heard it's a Virgo thing.   Being competitive is not a bad thing, especially when you really just want to

Magical man in the mirror

  This week I read a little bit of Jermaine's Jackson book , you are not alone trying to fish some clues, I found something about how Joe Jackson his father would refuse to go to funerals since his sister had passed because he couldn’t take the pain, and he did not go to funerals until 2009, when his son Michael was announced dead.   I showed in my Instagram stories his behavior just two days after his son had "died" and how happy and giggly he seemed in paparazzi photos, and how it shows that Michael is actually alive.   Laughing with your friend when logically he should be devastated that his son had passed should have raised more eyebrows, it just doesn't make sense to be this happy, I know that Michael and Joe had a complicated relationship, yet, they were father and son, they loved each other, Joe loved and admired his son, laughing just two days after his "tragic death" simply does not make sense, and as judge Judy says, "if it doesn't m

Tears of a new day

    This week I had a plan to write about the beginning of the hoax, everything that happened on June 25 th 2009, and everything that went on that day in the house that Michael lived in before his escape. And how it shows that the Maury trial is part of the show, and how the number seven is in everything etc. I had prepared notes, researching a bit all week, and I was pretty confident that this will be my topic for this week's post. And then, something happened that made me leave everything on the back burner because i just cannot not write about what happened this week when I got in this app I purchased seven months ago. For those of you who don’t know, there is this app called This is me and it's about Michael, they share information about Michael, posting some of his paintings, and some of his poetry. Most of the poems and thoughts that they share is from Michael's book Dancing the dream, so far everything was familiar to me. They added an AI that reads you the

Believe me, i know.

  Writing about how I became a believer forces me to go down memory lane, four years may not sound like a long time, but those four years for me were intense and full of ups and downs, the ups were amazing, the downs were painful, but necessary.   it took me a while to understand that, but now I see that it taught me a lot about trusting the wrong people. I may tell you about it one day. Today I am continuing my series about the death hoax, and my last post that was about how I became a believer. Since I found out that Michael is in fact still here with us (thank god) I decided to show him in every way possible just how much he means to me. As I said in previous posts I have created many videos that tells stories about him, I've had podcasts, some by myself and some with co-hosts, I post about him constantly on social media, learning about him all the time, and spreading facts about him, and it is all to show him love, that is all he ever wanted. And for now that is all I hav