A ( personal) letter for Michael Joe Jackson


My dear Michael 

How are you today? how have you been since That day, fourteen years ago? 

you know, every year we tell you how we feel about not having you here with us the way we wish to have you here.

we tell you how much we miss you

what exactly we miss about you.

we try our best to fill that hole with beautiful loving words. I wish we could give you more than words. 

we do that all day everyday, we really don't need a special day. 

that's for the ones who needs a reminder to why you are so loved. 

we know why. 24/7 we know.

Today I am curious about how you felt that day. and since that day.

were you scared?

were you relieved? 

were you excited, happy, sad? all the above? 

Do you miss us? I'm sure you do, but do you miss us as much as we miss you? you can't say "I miss you more" that's just simply not possible. 

do you think of us daily, or are you more focused on your dreams and goals? 

are you writing letters to all of us that only you can read? ( that's not really fair is it?) 

I'm sure you know by now that we are all so crazy about you.

but do you understand why? 

you know I'm going to tell you, I always do. aren't you use to it by now? 😊

I can't speak for others, we all see different things and love different things about you.

so let me tell you what I saw in you and what makes me send you love and light everyday ✨️ 

That pure heart of yours, that's what caught my attention. about four years ago.

there are many gifted artists out there with great songs, great acting etc.

but you my dear, have that purity in your heart that not many have. 

and if they do, they don't have the guts to show and share theirs with the world.

you do, you were always so brave.

your softness is your greatest strength, 

that's what most people didn't get about you.

what I have noticed many times is that you were always caring of other people's feelings even if they had no problem hurting yours.

when you sat in front of a rude reporter, instead of being rude back, or simply leave the room ( As they deserved) you really didn't understand how powerful you were in that moment. 

you still saw a human being in them. and remained respectful.

when they couldn't admit to themselves that you are also a heart that needs to be seen.

that needs and deserves respect.

my goodness, you are a king.  

a true king, not like those fake one's who are so full of themselves when they haven't even contributed anything of value to the world.

 they were just lucky to be born to the "right( wrong) family"

you gave everything and beyond. you paid a heavy price just to be loved. sometimes I wish you didn't care if you were loved or not, it would have saved you so much pain.

But you are loved so much 

so deep. no one will ever be loved like you.

and we will keep reminding the world of that, all day everyday.

loving you kills your haters from the inside. you know that right?

I'm okay with it.

are you? 

Stay safe my dear, hope to see you soon

yours truly 

Maya 🌹 



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