The boring truth


I was about to create another poll, asking you again to choose the topic of this week's post.  I love how involved you all are in this blog and in this series.

 But I stopped right before I hit the share button, I suddenly realized that I can just use last week's poll, after all I gave you four topics to choose from, so why not just write about the topic that got into the second place?

Which was, how I became a believer.

 A lot of you wanted to know about that, but even more wanted to know about numerology and how Michael is using it to communicate with us. and I had to start the series with that. I'm not complaining or regretting anything, I loved the outcome, and so were you according to your comments. 

Logically I should have started the series with that story, but sometimes it's fun to shake things up a little.

After all, I told that story so many times in the past that I am glad that I got to do something a little different.

 Today I will honor the topic that came second, and I will share my story. I titled this post "the boring truth" because I have shared this story so many times in the past, through videos and posts, so I thought I will get bored telling it again, but as I sat down to write it, I realized how lucky I am.

How lucky am I to find out about this amazing miracle that so many haven’t even noticed, since I became a believer, since I found out the truth, I have had so many special and magical moments, that I will tell you about in this series.   

How could I ever think it was boring, when it is without a doubt the most exciting thing that had ever happened to me.  Well, when I thought about the title I thought about how I am going to tell the story again, the exact same way I told it before, and what can I do? When you keep telling the same story over and over, you get bored, that is why I appreciate theater actors, every night they keep repeating the same texts and every night, if they are good, they make the audience feel like it’s the first time. that they are at the opening night, when in fact it’s the 300th show.

 But that is one of the problems with the truth, you can't change your version and play with the details as you please, this isn’t a children's fantasy book, this is my life. A big part of it.

And now you probably wonder how it became such a big part of my life. If you follow me on social media, you know that I am there daily, always posting something about Michael, today I'm going to tell you how it all began. I promise that it won't be boring.

it all began in 2019, I heard about a documentary that came out of this two guys accusing Michael Jackson of the same things people were accusing him since 1993.

At that point, I wasn’t a fan, or part of the fandom. I have always loved Michael the performer, entertainer, but the truth is, I haven’t really thought about him over the years, he was simply not part of my life. His music was played in our house all the time, my brother was a huge fan, and played his songs all the time, but that is where it ended, to me at that point Michael was a huge unreachable star, who lived this extravagant life, and one day like all greatly famous people before him, he had passed away.

When he was announced dead in 2009, I remember being at home, the TV was on, and suddenly breaking news came out, they said that the king of pop had died, and they showed the last speech when he said, "see you in July"

I was standing in front of the television set, and I just froze, I wasn’t sad, just in shock, I remember vividly where I was standing, the pictures on the screen and me not saying anything, just standing in shock.

And that was it, I just accepted him being dead, and I moved on with my life.

Ten years forward, this so called documentary came out, everyone was talking about it, but I had no desire to watch it, instead I got on social media, started following fans, and seeing how they are proving they lied. As I said many times before, as soon as I heard it was a four-hour film, I knew it was filled with lies. I thought that the only reason it was four hours long, is because they want to brain wash people, just keep repeating the same stupid stories, over and over again, without knowing Michael, or his accusers, and without watching that stupid movie, I knew they lied.  

I didn’t understand why I care so much, as I said I wasn’t a fan, I knew nothing about Michael I just had this strong feeling, let's call it sixth sense that I need to get into this.

All of a sudden I found myself watching videos of Michael, interviews, all of his short films, his home movies, and fans tribute videos, anything I could find about him, I had a thirst for knowledge, I really wanted to get to know him. A whole new world was revealed to me, I was mesmerized.

  the more I learned the more I fell in love, he was such a beautiful man, in and out, how could I have missed it all this years?

I remember watching a fan tribute video one day, and at that point I was deeply in love, and the video was very emotional, and I just started crying as if my best friend just died, I could fill a pool with all those tears I shed, believing that I will never see him again.  

 It was hard for me to understand why I have such strong feelings for someone I never met, I have asked that question a lot over time, until one day I decided to stop asking and just accept it for what it is, and enjoy it. After all I will never find an answer that will satisfy the logic part of me, but my heart is satisfied and to me that's all that matters.

Weeks went by and I found myself watching videos of Michael every day, learning about him as much as I could, spending as much time as I could with him, I missed him terribly. One day, while watching videos on YouTube, a recommendation came up, it was an interview that happened on the day of the memorial on Larry King live. In front of Larry king (RIP) sat this guy named Miko Brando, who I did not know, and another man, that was introduced as Dave Dave. It took me 2 seconds to say to myself, that's Michael!!

I was In absolute shock! For a moment I thought that maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me, maybe it's because I miss him so much that I am suddenly seeing him. But no, after weeks of watching him from sunrise to sunset, and without realizing, learning his body language, I had no doubt in my gut, I knew, it was him! my Michael, he is alive!

...To be continued







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