Tears of a new day



This week I had a plan to write about the beginning of the hoax, everything that happened on June 25th 2009, and everything that went on that day in the house that Michael lived in before his escape. And how it shows that the Maury trial is part of the show, and how the number seven is in everything etc.

I had prepared notes, researching a bit all week, and I was pretty confident that this will be my topic for this week's post.

And then, something happened that made me leave everything on the back burner because i just cannot not write about what happened this week when I got in this app I purchased seven months ago.

For those of you who don’t know, there is this app called This is me and it's about Michael, they share information about Michael, posting some of his paintings, and some of his poetry. Most of the poems and thoughts that they share is from Michael's book Dancing the dream, so far everything was familiar to me. They added an AI that reads you the poems, and that makes it nicer.  

This week I got in there not expecting to find anything new, I don’t know what is happening lately with this app, but they work very slow and some things that they promised to add to the app, that I have been waiting for since I purchased it, are simply not there, it is an yearly subscription, if they won't make changes and start uploading faster and greater content, I will not renew the subscription, I was very excited about it at first, and loved everything in it, it is a very beautiful app, with great edited videos, really great, but the main reason I bought it is because they promised a tape of Michael meditating, and as I said I have been waiting for that recording for seven months. If they won't upload it by the end of my subscription, I don’t see a reason to continue and pay for it.


As I said when I got in there this week I did not expect to find anything new, but to my surprise they did upload something that absolutely blew my mind, and I am certain it came directly from Michael himself.

They uploaded a poem called Tears of the world, which you cannot find in the book Dancing the dream, or anywhere. And anyway if it was in Dancing the dream it wouldn’t mean as much, because that book came out in 1992, long before the escape. This poem came out at the perfect time.

It didn’t say who wrote it, in fact they added under the title the words, " without a name" I immediately started singing MJ's song, "take me to a place without no name"

And I wondered if there is a connection between that song and that poem. Maybe one day I will look deeper into that, right now I want to focus on that poem, because to me it looked like Michael is telling us he is coming back, and it will probably be sooner than we hope.

So let's start with the title, Tears of the world


There is no doubt in my mind that when Michael will expose to the world that he is here and always has been here, many people including myself will cry happy uncontrollable tears. I am definitely looking forward to that. I will take a guess that this is what Michael was thinking when he gave that title to this poem.

At first I wasn’t positive who wrote it, because the style of writing is different than the writing style in Dancing the dream, but it has all the words that Michael knows we are looking for, and besides, if it was a fan (a believer obviously) who wrote it, wouldn’t they give him/her credit?

The only one who doesn't need credit is the one the app is about, and let's not forget, the app is called This is me. so we know where the content comes from.  So now that we know who wrote it lets focus on the words, the meaningful ones.


The poem starts with this words: " Help me to escape this world"

That again brings me back to that song, take me to a place without no name, someone once told me when I first started investigating the escape, that in this song Michael is telling us that one day he will disappear, but that is not a theory that is provable, but anyway he was also saying that to Rabbi Shmully, so we know he had always planned on doing that.

So the poem starts with escape and the next standout word is coming from the second sentence of the second verse: "Teach me how to live


So after Michael escaped the old world, there is a new one waiting for him, a foreign one and he is asking someone to teach him how to live a normal life, which is something he never really had, and I'm sure normalcy is something he always craved for.  

The first line of the second verse says: show me the beauty of a new day again he is talking about a new beginning, a new day is a new life, and he is asking to be shown a better life than the old one.


For where is my place?

Is it in the realm of the wholesome?

Or here where demons persecute

An innocent human being?


 This part of the poem is heartbreaking, you can really feel Michael's anger frustration and sadness, knowing he can never go back to his old life, and not knowing yet if the new life will give him the peace he deserves.  to me it is another proof he wrote this, yes us fans are angry and sad for what they did to him, but no one can express that better than Michael. He is again reminding the world that he is an innocent man.


I feel your warmth

I know you desire to come again

However, is it safe

Or could you get lost?

Anyway, please, just come!


This verse is a bit confusing, he is talking to us fans saying that he feels the warmth the love that we send him nonstop, and then he continues and says, I know you want me back, but is it safe?

Something that many of us maybe forget to ask, I think about it constantly, how do we know that everything will be okay after he comes back? How do we know that some crazy fan won't be angry about the fact that Michael "lied" to the world, even though he didn’t, it's not his fault many people are simply ignoring the signs and his messages, or ignoring the ones that noticed the truth and try to show it to everyone?

But that crazy person will not care and will seek revenge, it is a possibility, I just posted about it this week, saying that I fear for him sometimes, this hoax has many fun and great moments in it, following the clues etc., it is fun, but there is also a serious part to this whole thing, and that is our Michael's life.

 Or he might be asking if it is safe for us fans?  the ones that are completely unaware to what's coming, will they be lost in trying to understand why he had to do it? Can they go crazy?  Anyway please just come-  will he come back anyway? That is one way to look at it.

In the next verse he describes what seems as the day of the comeback, there will be birds singing, and fireworks, and a big celebration, the stars will dance, in the threshold of new day

That sentence tells me that the return is near, we are at the threshold.


 Do you see the colorful rainbow?

Which will guide you home?

Isn’t it different today?

Isn’t it just beautiful?

Please come back

I’m waiting for you!


In this last verse i really got hopeful that Michael is telling us that the return is near, he is talking about a rainbow, I looked up to see what is the symbolism of a rainbow and here is what I found


A rainbow is often a sign of hope, the beauty after the storm, a pot of gold and good fortune at the rainbow's end. For many, a rainbow carries a personal symbolic meaning–representing inclusivity and diversity, an all-embracing image of love and friendship.


    The way I see it Michael is asking us to keep hope alive, there was definitely a storm before he escaped, but now he will come back to us better than ever!


 Isn’t it different today?

 That tells me that Michael has noticed the change in the way the public is seeing him, and he trust that we will support him when he is back.


Please come back

I am waiting for you


 That line could have been written by a fan, but I'm thinking that just as much as we want Michael to come back to us, he wants us back with him. He misses us just as much as we miss him, he might claim he misses us more, but we will discuss that with him when he's back.  

This come back is not just for us, it is for him as well, he needs us, our support and our love

But just like our Michael, we never left, and never will.   







  1. Rainbow after the storm
    The storm is upon us - happened officially yesterday to the world 3/30/23. The first indictment will shock the world. Q. Pot of gold - market cr&sh and devaluation of the USDollar coming bringing in gold backed currencies only and end to fiat. MJ is connected. We are very close.

  2. Great posts btw. I am excited to hear your thoughts on the hoax. My inner jury is still out on jack crooner. Also just to be clear i believe it is the elites / cab&l MJ must be certain they are all gone before he can return. We are in Revelations

  3. He is always safe here with us! Great post. 😊


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