This week I shared a quote by Michael, I am doing that a lot lately, finding a picture of him that I like, which is the hard part because there aren’t any that I don’t like, this is one of the difficulties that a moonwalker must face, but somebody's gotta do it. :)

After choosing an image, I am looking for a quote in the web, add those two together, and there you have another post that shows a little part of Michael.

This week I found a quote of his, that is talking about perfectionism, and it goes like this:

"if we hadn’t stopped the process and examined what we were doing, the record would have been terrible, it's like taking a great movie and ruining it in the ending, some things can't be rushed"  

Those words were taken from his memoir Moonwalk that was published back in 1988.

Today I would like to shine a light on the last part of that quote, from the title of this post, you know that I am going to focus on the part where he talks about movies.

And if you are following me on social media, you know by now that I believe Michael is in the process of creating a film, or maybe a few of them. (seven?) so today's post will be about how I came to believe that this is what our Michael is doing these days.

 Here is my theory explained in chronological order for your convenience, and for non-believers to understand that our theories are based on facts and not our imagination.

1991-1998- this information I just found out about recently, in 1991 Michael started adding the year 1998 under his autographs, for a long time I wondered why he did it, until I read a theory that makes sense to me and it's just adding to everything I already know, so as you noticed there is a 7-year difference from 91-98, if you know Michael, you know that the number seven is a big deal in his world. So apprerantly Michael had a plan to quit touring and recording music, and in 1998 at the age of 40 he planned on focusing on other projects. (films) that is his big dream, if not the biggest. Even in his autobiography, that came out in 1988 a decade before he thinks about retiring from being the KOP he is implying that he plans to do so.   he starts the book with this words

 " I have always wanted to tell stories, make people cry and laugh, take them anywhere emotionally" what better way to do it than in film?

The year-98-99 Michael wanting to buy marvel, to again create films, obviously he was very serious about that dream, unfortunately, the deal failed. But, it shows he had a goal to work on that in 1998 just like that autograph theory.

 The year: 2000- Michael receives the millennium award, and in his speech after sharing how proud he is to be an entertainer, he ends his speech with the words " you ain't seen nothing yet" it's interesting to me that he used the word entertainer and not musician, or performer, there is a variety of ways to entertain an audience. Was it another clue that he will quit performing and touring?  Yes.   

 Those words will make any fan wonder, what is he planning? And what are we about to see? this man has created so many amazing things, he gave us so many wow moments, that one will wonder, what more can he do?  

The year- 2001-02 Michael sits down with rabbi shmuli, and in their recorded conversation, Michael tells the rabbi that he plans on disappearing one day, that disappearing is very important and according to MJ it's because he doesn't want to age in public, and he wants to be remembered young and beautiful like Marilyn Monroe. (I will get back to that part later)

 The year 2003- he tells his biggest idol James brown that he is working on a few projects, movie projects, so we heard him say that he is directing or about to direct several films.

The year 2009- I am skipping a few years because I'm not sure exactly what he was doing after the trial, so in 2009, he announces his comeback, he makes sure there's a filming crew with him inside the rehearsals, now that may not sound like anything special, he always had a camera in rehearsals, in all of his tours, but this time, the camera man is with him on stage, filming him from every angle, the quality of the shots and the angles they chose this time are different and purposely designed to become part of a movie one day, and I am not talking about This is it, the DVD that came out after Michael was announced dead.

June 25th 09- the king of pop disappears! At the age of 50 a second before the tour supposed to begin, he is announced dead. Already sounds scripted, at the perfect age at the perfect timing, he is gone, and leaving the world in a state of shock!

July 7th 09 - Do not worry Michael did not leave us in that state of shock for long, at the perfect timing, 7.7.09 in an event that seems bigger than the Oscars, filled with celebrities he leaves us the first clue.

On stage, In the background on the big screen, they used a beautiful picture of Michael smiling, while sitting behind a camera, directing this whole thing!

That picture was taken from the short film Liberian girl, where you see everybody (celebrities) looking for Michael the entire film, keep confusing him with other people who are in costumes, and at the end Michael shows up, and it's obvious to everyone that he was there the whole time, directing them and enjoying their conversations in hiding, and at some point he decides to come out of his hiding and with a big beautiful smile he says,

 okay everybody, that's a wrap!  

Now one must ask, why out of all the endless pictures Michael has taken his whole life they chose one where he is behind a camera, directing and smiling?

My theory and many other believers, is that they used it to tell us that everything is okay, Michael is here and directing this show, all we gotta do is pay attention, and when we will be open to the idea that Michael is out there creating magic, we will see and feel him. We will know the truth. That he had never left us, he just quit from being the king of pop, working and creating his next stage

Becoming the king of film!

Now let's get back to his conversation with rabbi shmuli, where he tells him he would like to disappear one day, so we won't see him age. When I first listened to that tape and heard him say that, my heart broke a little for two reasons:

1. He actually believed that we will stop loving him and caring for him when he's older, and that couldn’t be further from the truth, so many of us don’t care about that, we love him no matter his age, or any other superficial things, we love his heart, his mind and so many other things that will never change.

 I know it's that damn media that is responsible for that fear, for years they focused on his looks, telling everyone lies about it.  and now he thinks we care about that too. Michael is a beautiful man in and out, I so wish he knows that.

2. when I first heard it I thought to myself that this really means we will never see him again, that he is out there but he will never come back. But that was before I gained more knowledge about Michael's personality, and the hoax. 

When I learned about Michael's true love for his fans, and when it was clear to me that we know he is alive only because he wants us to know that, I thought to myself that Michael must know that if we know he is alive, we will wish to see him again one day.

 knowing that, and knowing how much he loves us, and how beautiful his heart is, I know he will never let us live with a false hope.

Over the years I believe we have seen Michael in many costumes, masks, sometimes we recognized him and I'm sure many times we haven’t even noticed he was there. But the fact that he is using masks tells me that he is not using them just so he can be outside unbothered like the rest of us, he is also acting in his own movies, and he keeps creating all kinds of characters, I remember Michael was asked once who is his favorite super hero, and he replied Morph! with those masks he can morph himself to whoever he pleases.  I smile every time I think about it I am so proud of him.

And now with the biopic coming, I have no doubt he is behind it, he also co- producing the seven episodes' series together with his nephew Taj, Re righting history! Those are going to be two epic projects, that I am hoping Michael will come back right after these projects comes out.   

I have heard so many times from so many people that knows him that Michael always wanted to do something bigger than Thriller, and what's bigger than actually coming back from the other side?

In his quote Michael says, some things can't be rushed, and when you are creating something really big, that will absolutely shock the world, it will take a long time.

Michael my love, take all the time you need, we will be here when you are ready to tell the world your side of the story.

I am waiting to hear you say: IT’S A WRAP!


"I'd always pictured myself doing something very elegant in the movies, but it was my experience with the makeup, and costumes and prop people in New York that made me realize another aspect of how wonderful film making could be"

Michael Jackson Moonwalk-1988




  1. Maya, you perfectly explained one of the main reasons why Michael faked his death! Many people think he did it to save his life. No, he did it mainly for creative reasons 🐰😋.


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