Magical man in the mirror


This week I read a little bit of Jermaine's Jackson book, you are not alone trying to fish some clues, I found something about how Joe Jackson his father would refuse to go to funerals since his sister had passed because he couldn’t take the pain, and he did not go to funerals until 2009, when his son Michael was announced dead.

 I showed in my Instagram stories his behavior just two days after his son had "died" and how happy and giggly he seemed in paparazzi photos, and how it shows that Michael is actually alive.

 Laughing with your friend when logically he should be devastated that his son had passed should have raised more eyebrows, it just doesn't make sense to be this happy, I know that Michael and Joe had a complicated relationship, yet, they were father and son, they loved each other, Joe loved and admired his son, laughing just two days after his "tragic death" simply does not make sense, and as judge Judy says,

"if it doesn't make sense, it's not true"

As I sit down to write this post I am realizing that talking about past clues does not excite me.  Showing you things that I have learned of years ago, is not where my heart is anymore. I have to be real, I have to look in the mirror and be honest with myself and then with you my readers.

I am way more excited about the present time, and when I say present I am talking about a clue I found just three days ago, and if I am completely honest, I am more excited about how I solved the puzzle that for a non-believer might not make much sense, but for those of us who are deep into this adventure, the way I see it, this week we found a real gem.

This week on Monday I got alerted that there is a new post on the official Michael Jackson Instagram account. So automatically I got into his account to see if there are any new clues.  As a believer I can never look at a post and not do that, it's an instinctive thing, I don’t know how to look at things for simply what they are, I don’t know if it’s a good thing or not.

On Monday's post, I saw a picture of Michael, the famous picture cover of his BAD album, as beautiful as this photo is, I was looking at the words and numbers that decorated the poster that tells people about a performance that had happened at Texas in April 1988.

Right above Mj's head the words magic, that was spelled (Majic) appeared, and under it the word welcomes, so thinking if this is a clue maybe Michael is telling us that we will be welcoming magic soon.

 that was an exciting message to receive.  yet, wanting to know more, trying to see how soon are we talking about, I started focusing on the numbers, as you know Michael communicates with us through numbers and numerology, so I started adding up the numbers from the poster.


The poster welcomes people from Texas to watch Michael perform on April 8th 9th and 10th

So I just added those numbers, including the month


And then I read the caption, and the caption said, on this date Michael gave his third of three bad tour performances

Now we got 3+3=6

 six meaning the sixth month, which is June and everyone knows, that June is an important month to any moonwalker, believer or not.

So here I am thinking that I solved the puzzle and Michael is telling us to welcome magic on June 31st! wow I got really excited! Until a friend of mine a fellow believer checked the calendar and saw that there is no 31st this June.

And then, I don’t even know how it came into my head, I suddenly remembered another clue that was given to us on march 13th, and it was only posted on the official Michael Jackson Facebook page.  a clue that is talking about smoking mirrors, the word mirror kept circling my thoughts, and I thought to myself, well, if you will mirror the number 31 you will get 13, we do have a 13 in June.

Looking for that clue again, to see exactly what it said, because I remembered something with smoking mirrors, I noticed they are mentioning magic Johnson, and I was blown away! The word magic appeared again, this cannot be a coincidence, I nailed the mirroring thing!

 Michael wanted us to connect all the dots from latest clues, and now I am convinced that something magical will happen on June 13th.

You are probably wondering why is this date so familiar. well, if you needed more proof that this post was a clue, June 13th is a big day in Michael's life. June 13th is what us moonwalkers call, Victory day! On June 13th 2005 (2+5=7) Michael was proven Not guilty in the court of justice. It is a date we are mentioning every year and celebrating his victory.

As I was thinking about everything, I started singing the song man in the mirror for obvious reasons, the lyrics goes like this

I'm starting with the man in the mirror

I'm asking him to change his ways

 So I had to ask myself, is Michael telling us that a change is coming on June 13th this year? Will it be magical?  Just like the mirroring of the number 31, will things reverse? So far the world has seen one thing, is the world going to see the reflection of the truth very soon?

That one post gave us more questions than answers, but I guess that's how it will be, until Michael comes back and tell us everything we need to know.

Oh and just to show you how everything connects, the song man in the mirror, is from the BAD album. The clue that said magic on June 13th showing Michael from his BAD album cover.  












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