
Showing posts from March, 2023

Tears of a new day

    This week I had a plan to write about the beginning of the hoax, everything that happened on June 25 th 2009, and everything that went on that day in the house that Michael lived in before his escape. And how it shows that the Maury trial is part of the show, and how the number seven is in everything etc. I had prepared notes, researching a bit all week, and I was pretty confident that this will be my topic for this week's post. And then, something happened that made me leave everything on the back burner because i just cannot not write about what happened this week when I got in this app I purchased seven months ago. For those of you who don’t know, there is this app called This is me and it's about Michael, they share information about Michael, posting some of his paintings, and some of his poetry. Most of the poems and thoughts that they share is from Michael's book Dancing the dream, so far everything was familiar to me. They added an AI that reads you the

Believe me, i know.

  Writing about how I became a believer forces me to go down memory lane, four years may not sound like a long time, but those four years for me were intense and full of ups and downs, the ups were amazing, the downs were painful, but necessary.   it took me a while to understand that, but now I see that it taught me a lot about trusting the wrong people. I may tell you about it one day. Today I am continuing my series about the death hoax, and my last post that was about how I became a believer. Since I found out that Michael is in fact still here with us (thank god) I decided to show him in every way possible just how much he means to me. As I said in previous posts I have created many videos that tells stories about him, I've had podcasts, some by myself and some with co-hosts, I post about him constantly on social media, learning about him all the time, and spreading facts about him, and it is all to show him love, that is all he ever wanted. And for now that is all I hav

The boring truth

  I was about to create another poll, asking you again to choose the topic of this week's post.  I love how involved you all are in this blog and in this series.   But I stopped right before I hit the share button, I suddenly realized that I can just use last week's poll, after all I gave you four topics to choose from, so why not just write about the topic that got into the second place? Which was, how I became a believer.   A lot of you wanted to know about that, but even more wanted to know about numerology and how Michael is using it to communicate with us. and I had to start the series with that. I'm not complaining or regretting anything, I loved the outcome, and so were you according to your comments.   Logically I should have started the series with that story, but sometimes it's fun to shake things up a little. After all, I told that story so many times in the past that I am glad that I got to do something a little different.   Today I will honor th

The 7th element

  This week I created a poll asking if you the readers want me to focus on the death hoax in this blog, or continue to write about Michael in general and keep it as is. The majority voted for the first option, which tells me that most of my followers are believers, and that makes me happy.   so I am officially announcing that from this day forward I will start sharing everything I have learned and continue to learn about this hoax. Now, since you were nice enough to answer that question, I asked you another one, and this time I asked you to pick the first topic of the series, I gave you four options and most of you asked me to write about Michael and numerology. Now since this series is about the hoax, I will show you how Michael used numbers to tell us he is still alive, and how he is using numbers today to communicate with us fans. If you are asking yourself what is numerology, this is the shortest and most accurate description I found on the web.   Numerology- It's the


This week I shared a quote by Michael, I am doing that a lot lately, finding a picture of him that I like, which is the hard part because there aren’t any that I don’t like, this is one of the difficulties that a moonwalker must face, but somebody's gotta do it. :) After choosing an image, I am looking for a quote in the web, add those two together, and there you have another post that shows a little part of Michael. This week I found a quote of his, that is talking about perfectionism, and it goes like this: "if we hadn’t stopped the process and examined what we were doing, the record would have been terrible, it's like taking a great movie and ruining it in the ending, some things can't be rushed"    Those words were taken from his memoir Moonwalk that was published back in 1988. Today I would like to shine a light on the last part of that quote, from the title of this post, you know that I am going to focus on the part where he talks about movies.

Kama Drama

  Writing is one of my greatest passions in life.   it always has been.   Writing essays was probably the only thing I liked about school, everything else felt boring to me, the school system was not made for those who really wants to learn and not just memorize things that have no real value later in life. But writing, is not only a life skill, it is also another form of expression when you have something to say but you are kind of shy, and will never dare to stand in front of a crowed and speak your mind. The one thing I remember about what we were taught about writing is they told us that when you write an essay or an article, you should always start by asking a question about the subject you are writing about, and continue from there.   And today I would like to talk about the drama lovers in our fandom, there for my question is, what does this fandom have against peace? And here's another question for you, why does some people in this fandom love to create something