My opinion in 1,549 words


On January 19th Lisa Marie Presley was laid to rest

A few days later they held a memorial for her at Graceland that was broadcast live for people around the world to watch.

The same day my Instagram feed has been bombarded with edited images of Lisa and Michael in heaven and people saying that they are finally together again.

Let's put aside the fact that Michel is not in heaven right now, if to quote his words, heaven can wait.

 I really don’t understand people thinking that this two are together when they clearly do not belong together.

They were in love once true, but once they fell out of love and they both moved on, why would they now be together? And especially when it is obvious that Michael was not Lisa's true love.

Why do I say that?

 Because I remember things that either people don’t remember or just haven’t noticed, about how Lisa (RIP) talked about Michael in the media, how she talked about her first husband Danny keough after divorcing Michael, and who was around her at the time of her death.

I have talked about that in my previous podcasts but I don’t remember if I was specific, and if I was, most of you probably haven’t heard it, or forgot, so let me refresh your memory, and yes I know that Lisa wasn’t just Michael's ex-wife, she was many other things, but in my world where Michael is a big part of it, and being an over protective fan of his, that is all I really know about her, and how I got to hear about her in the first place.

 As you know Lisa gave a few interviews to all kinds of people we now know as Michael's haters, including cobra, or as I like to call her hippocras, and DS who was probably even worse, cobra at least was smart enough to hide her true feelings, while DS completely forgot she was on camera and everyone was watching her talking about Michael as if he is not even a human being. LMP response to her words was just laughing about it instead of putting her in her place. I did not like that.   

The more I thought about those infamous interviews and played them in my head the more I realized how much I don’t trust anything Lisa has ever said about Michael. And not because I am a fan that thinks Michael is a perfect angel and incapable of hurting people's feelings, I am well aware that he is only human, therefor he is not perfect.

But, as I said, I played her words in my head many times, and I noticed how she manipulated the story of their relationship, and why and how it ended.

Of course I wasn’t there to witness exactly what happened between them and I am aware that the truth is somewhere between her version and his.

 And even though you might think that Michael has never publicly spoken about Lisa, he has spoken to rabbi shmuli about her and the end of their relationship,  and it was recorded and I heard his version and it kind of contradicts her words, so as I said the truth is somewhere in between the two versions.


Now if you'll excuse me I am about to get very specific about why I don’t believe LMP's version, so if you are a fan of hers or just simply uncomfortable reading anything negative about her especially now that she is no longer with us, I advise you stop reading now.

When Lisa gave her version to what happened and why it ended she described Michael as a master manipulator, a user that only see people as tools for him to get what he wants, and if people don’t provide him his wants and needs, he gets rid of them.

And according to Lisa, this is exactly what he did to her.

He married her for the publicity, she mentioned how her mother told her to notice the timing of everything happening.

 and when he wanted children with her, and seeing that after almost two years of marriage Lisa has second thoughts about it, he got rid of her and replaced her with Debbie row, the biological mother of Prince and Paris.

what she forgot to tell the world is that michael married her in a purpose to start a family with her, she promised him children, he wanted to be a father more than anything, he was in his late 30s she was in her 20s and already had two kids, how long was she going to make him wait? 

 and only after the marriage was over he had started his story with Debbie. not before as she told the world. 

She made it look like she was just a young and naïve woman, that fell in love deeply and he took advantage of her innocence and completely used her, and manipulated her into this marriage. As if he had this big plan, not talking about his feelings for her, as if they weren’t there.

Now here's why I don’t believe her version.

One- knowing it takes two people to end a relationship, and not hearing her once taking responsibility for her part, made me suspicious about her story.  Her only "sin" is that she was in love and too blind to notice who he "really" was?  Seriously?

  She wasn’t that naïve, let me remind you that she was married before, and Michael married a divorced woman with two kids, and he was the single guy, the unexperienced one with no kids. 

 (that we know of, let's put rumors aside)

And she married Michael being divorced for only two weeks from her first husband and the father of her children Danny. That doesn't sound to me like a woman who cares about other people's feelings.

According to her she was extremely immature, when she learned that her mother doesn't approve the idea of her and Michael being together she married him "just in spite" oh you don’t like him? than I'll marry him… yeah, that is true love.


Two- she left very important details in her story from their relationship, she made it seem as if she never saw him again after the divorce, but we all know that they had an on and off relationship for years after the divorce until Michael put an end to it once and for all.

 Yes, it was Michael who ended it, not her. And that explains why she talked about him this way, those were the feelings of a rejected woman.

Let's get back to the on and off part of their relationship, after the divorce, like most men, Michael woke up and realized that he is losing the love of his life. So he started perusing her again, took her out on her birthday, they went on a vacation to south Africa, and there I heard that he had asked Lisa to marry him again. But I don’t know if it's true, it's just a story I heard.  

And now here is Michael very short version to what happened.

At some point at the very end of their on and off relationship, after prince was already born, Lisa wrote Michael a letter saying she will give him NINE children.

but he was over it by then. Over her.

 he had moved on, choosing Debby that was more reliable then Lisa, obviously when Debbie promised him she will give him kids, she actually did it. 

Michael finally put an end to their story.

And that is why I believe she trashed him in the media, started calling him weird and made fun of him etc. she was a rejected and hurt woman. Michael ended her game.

Now, if she had said in interviews, remember that guy I told you about?  that manipulated me, used me and got rid of me when I didn’t give him what he wanted most?

Years after that I promised him nine kids!

How would that made her look? After telling the world that she was nothing but a naïve young woman who fell in love, and was used for it, she is now going to tell the world that she is also dumb enough to have babies with the man that supposedly never truly loved her?

In my opinion and from what I know, Lisa was Michael's true love, she was the one that really made him dizzy if you know what I mean, and the one he really wanted to be with.

But was Michael's Lisa true love?

 Not in my opinion, and that is why those edited images of them together in heaven bothered me, because I noticed how she talked about her first husband Danny, and how bad she felt hurting his feelings leaving him and not fighting more for her marriage with him, I remember her saying "how could I have done it to Danny"? meaning marrying Michael so quick after divorcing him.

She was worried about Danny's feelings, but not Michael's. and I promise you she knew he'd be watching and hearing her calling him weird on the Letterman show in 2003 and in earlier years calling him manipulative a user and more.

 She didn’t care about Mj's feelings. Especially knowing that the media always wants something negative about Michael, and to get that from an ex-wife who's supposed to know him better than many people? Woo hoo celebration! 

So what if she cried on his coffin when she believed he was dead?

 Being nice to a dead person does not impress me. It's how you treated them when they were here

and they needed love and respect, that is what really matters.  

the bday date years after the divorce. 
















  1. Seems Micheal could never have a REAL relationship with anyone and for that I am sad. I hope he has one now ❤️

    1. i hope so to. thank you for your comment 🙏 😊

  2. I don't like LMP at all for Michael being his wife, I'm happy that they were not forever.


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