Believe in the impossible
Wednesday was another one of those
days that you get to experience if you are one of those people that believes
Michael Jackson is alive and planning a comeback.
I really thought that time and
experience made me wiser, and that I have finally learned to not get so excited
over what just seems as big news.
Well, I thought it was something, I believed
it was something, I believed that This is it was finally happening and BAM day
is finally here. As I have so many times in the past.
Let me explain to you how the mind of
a believer works before I tell you the full story of what happened Wednesday.
First of all, we take everything
seriously and literally. It's funny sometimes, but I guess it's part of the
believers' business.
We are giving many meaningless things
meaning, and later we find out we were wrong, but still believing in Michael's
return, we never stop looking again for the exact same things.
We are always looking for any post
with the words Believe, or come back, or return, we will look for roses or
sunflowers, or for any sign that we believe that came directly from Michael.
Believing as itself is not a bad
thing, believing is hoping and hope is a beautiful thing, but since everything
comes with a price, we learned that the price of hoping is sometimes this
little heart breaks you get when you want to see him again. every time we hope Michael will show himself
and he is not, we are paying a price of a small heartbreak.
In the past, recovering from a heartbreak
took me longer, maybe because my hope was bigger, maybe because I didn’t have
the knowledge that I have today, maybe because I finally matured (just a little
bit don't get too excited)
To be clear just because we are sometimes
wrong does not mean we are not confident in what we know. We also get a lot of
things right, there's just so much info that it is impossible to share it all
at once, you have to follow believers who are researching the death hoax to
understand what we see and what makes us so confident in what we know.
Michael is alive, and it's pretty clear if you
follow the clues that he is communicating with his fans in any way possible
without ruining his plans and hurting his privacy. And from what we are seeing
and just combining it with logic, he is planning a comeback, we just don’t
know when that’s going to happen so we keep misreading the signs, the hope part
is responsible for that.
On Wednesday, Prince Jackson the son
of our beloved Michael posted a story saying that there's going to be an announcement soon but it
will not come from him and we will see.
As I mentioned earlier, we have a
tendency to take things literally, and since Prince used the word SEE we
thought it meant we are finally going to SEE our Michael. Earlier than that I saw a post that said that
there will be an announcement about the biopic that supposed to come out this
year, so adding one and one together my imagination created a great story. And
in my head I could see a video of Michael telling everyone that he is alive and
the biopic will tell the story of his escape.
And we the believers together with the
rest of the world will cry happy tears, and celebrate and won't be able to
sleep for three days because of the excitement, and everyone's FOMO.
But as it happened many times in the
past, it turned out to be just an announcement that Prince is involved
and working on the biopic, and they announced the director for the project.
Learning Prince is working on the biopic is
great news, we now know that the project is in great hands, and believing that
Michael is right there with him guiding him makes me even more excited about
that movie.
Back to my false excitement, I stayed
up late to wait for the big announcement with my eyes half closed, I was tired
but I was hoping the big news will wake me up.
and when I finally realized that it's not going to happen, that the big
BAM is not happening today, I turned off the lights and went to sleep, waking
up a few hours later, learning that I haven’t missed any big news, my heart
broke a little, but I'm also used to it.
There were so many moments like this
throughout the years as a believer (almost four) but no matter how many little
heart breaks I experienced, and trust me, there were many, I never stopped
hoping and believing in Michaels promises, there were two memorable one's he promised that we haven’t seen anything
yet, meaning he is planning something really big, and that takes time, so I'm
waiting, we all do.
And let's not forget the biggest promise,
"The best is yet to come" knowing Michael wish to create something
this world has never seen before, and believing in him and his ability to do
anything he puts his mind to, I don’t mind paying the price of waiting for him,
I just know it will be worth it.
Michael is worth it.
And one more thing
Us believers are in no way stupid or delusional
as many love to call us.
We are actually very intelligent
people who can see beyond what is presented on screen and magazines.
We may misread clues sometimes, or
making things bigger than they really are, no one is always right and no one is always wrong ,but we got the main message very right! Michael
is still here with us, he never left, and we believe we will see him again.
And if I'm reading things right, it will be so
worth it.
Hope you keep hoping, believing and most of all loving. ❤️
DeleteTruly I am a believer that Michael is Alive, in my mind and in my heart