Will the real Michael Jackson please stand up?


Some time ago I posted in social media a post about how I am not one of those fans who thinks Michael is a God or an angel, that he is only human and it's time for everyone to just accept it and accept him as he is.

 As amazing as he is, he is only human and I love him and support him because of who he really is and not the idea of who he is or who I or other moonwalkers believe he is.   

I was thinking at the time that after everything I read about him and watched, after all what I considered an intense research, I know exactly who he is, that I may not know everything about him, but I know a lot and what I know about him is enough for me to determine who he really is.

This week I came across two videos of two individuals who knew him well, one was a woman who dated him I believe in late 70s through early 80s

And the other Is a very close friend of Michael, who I believe is still in contact with him today.

They both said something that I heard LMP saying to cobra, and even though I never liked most of the things she said about Michael, I will have to believe her about that because the other two basically confirmed it.

All three of them said that Michael never showed his real self to the public, that once the cameras were there, he would turn into the KOP and the fans never got to see the "real Michael" when Lisa said it I took it as if she called him fake, that what we saw is not who he is, and that he has been fooling us all for all those years, so I was mad at her.  

when I heard the other two saying basically the same thing, I thought that it must mean that to the public Michael only showed one side of himself, you know, the good gentle guy with the soft voice, that just want to help as many people possible, and he is using his fame and public image to do so.

 and he is keeping something of himself to himself. How can you be mad at that?

 I know through my "massive research" that he also has a gangster side, that he swears, he   says the F word and other things, something he had never done in public, which is understandable, I think he is just being responsible, knowing children always watching him, he had to act a certain way, there is a limit to how much of your real self you can show when you know how many people are watching your every move.  

Not to mentions how he was heavily criticized for every single thing he said or did, and sometimes he was judged for things he didn’t do at all, as you know most of the stories about him came from the twisted imagination of the press, they were making up those stories and then allowed themselves to criticize him for those made up tails.

  can you imagine having to live your life under constant criticism? And not even for something you actually said or did?  

 So I can understand wanting to keep some parts of himself privet.

 Maybe at some point after Michael noticing that all the press is looking for is a show, that all they care about are shiny headlines, he decided to give them a show every time he was followed by electric eyes.

 And that is why we never got to see "the real Michael" because wherever he was, so was the press.

And maybe, because he was simply a showman, he wanted to entertain, he had to put on an act, let's face it, whenever he was out, with the fans, he was basically at work.  Even if he just stood at the hotel balcony, or went to a restaurant, he was watched, and when people are watching an entertainer, he will do something to entertain.

Maybe I'm in denial, but it's hard for me to believe that Michael was ever fake, I think that what we saw was just one part of him, and that part was real.  and I am okay with whatever he kept for himself.

I remember that I wrote that post in Instagram about how we should love Michael for who he really is,  because I had this worry that if and when he comes back, people will see things in him that they never thought he can have, nothing bad,  just human, some personality traits that are perfectly okay for other people to have, but since some people have this idea of who he is or how he should be, then they won't accept the real him and stop supporting him and the press will use that against him, to again destroy his image.

Whenever I think about it, it reminds me of why I started supporting him and why I created all those past YouTube shows and podcasts.

I couldn’t stand the thought of him being remembered as this made up character, and not for who he really is.

 And yes maybe there were somethings we never got to see, because he chose not to show it, and instead of again judging him for that, people should just respect his choices.

however, we know who he is, otherwise we wouldn’t support him. We know he is a good hearted man, that cared about people, and their suffering and he did whatever he could to help as many people possible, mainly children because he couldn’t stand knowing a child is hurting.

He worked very hard for his art, his music, his dancing, he gave his blood sweat and tears for his craft, we all know that, that is why we are always here, because he gave us so much, no matter the challenges he faced, as a celebrity and as a privet man.

He never gave up; I'm not going to either.

If I may share somewhat of a personal thing, for a long time I felt guilty for closing my YouTube channel and that I stopped creating shows as often as I did. From 2019 until the end of 2021 I created things daily.  From simple tribute videos, to cartooned shows and podcasts. Always looking for ways to celebrate him and tell his true story.  

It was important for me to tell people about the real Michael, the one I absolutely fell in love with, anyway when that was over for reasons I will not share here, I felt bad. I kept posting things to social media, but I always compared it to what I used to do, and it never felt like enough.

From distance of time, seeing what I have done since the closing of my channel and seeing how I never gave up no matter how hard it was for me sometimes to be in this fandom for reasons I will again keep for myself, it really showed me just how much I love this man, and how much I am willing to put up with, just to show him love.

I listened to the rabbi Shmuly tapes, and I heard Michael saying that everything he did all his hard work and everything he gave, is all because he wanted to be loved, to feel loved where ever he goes.

So that is why I am still here and never leaving no matter what I have to face in this sometimes crazy fandom

Wherever you are Michael, know that you are very much loved and I will never stop showing you that, in all kinds of ways.

I know you are watching J  






All my YouTube shows' 


  1. I agree wholeheartedly. Great post about a great man. The Michael Jackson experience lives on!!

  2. excellent explanation! I agree... Michael, like all of us, had parts of his life that he sure wanted to be private and he has every right to do so. Some fans believe that because he is a public figure, they have the power to know everything about him, which I find selfish and ridiculous. He is a beautiful man in all his facets and a perfectly imperfect human, which makes his art and humanitarian work even more incredible. Hugs from Argentina ♥️πŸ’•

  3. excellent explanation! I agree... Michael, like all of us, had parts of his life that he sure wanted to be private and he has every right to do so. Some fans believe that because he is a public figure, they have the power to know everything about him, which I find selfish and ridiculous. He is a beautiful man in all his facets and a perfectly imperfect human, which makes his art and humanitarian work even more incredible. Hugs from ArgentinaπŸ’•♥️

  4. Love this! I agree, he had a private life and a public life. A person shouldn't be expected to give all of their mind, body and soul,you have to keep something back for yourself and your sanity. He gave us his all and more. I'm glad he lived his life the way he wanted. None of us are one dimensional, we all have a private and public face. He loved us and we love him forever. Michael, the singer, dancer, writer, producer, humanitarian and lover. I'm feel very blessed to have lived on this earth in the same time and space, real time, from beginning to end as Michael Joseph Jackson, King Of Pop.πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘❤️❤️❤️πŸ•ŠπŸ•ŠπŸ•ŠπŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½


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