The promise

I don’t remember being this passionate for such a long time about anything, ever.
 I usually get curious about something, get excited and learning everything I can about that subject, and after a while I just move on to the next thing.
But that habit changed sometime in July of 2019
I got interested in this one man that changed the world, yes he did.  I know he definitely changed mine. Since that year I have done so many things that I never even dreamed of doing.
It's crazy what love for a man I never even met makes me do.
How it helped me to come out of my shell, and being okay with recording my voice that I never liked and let people online hear it, or being on camera for the first time, when I am super shy and I would rather hide
but I told myself, that my goal to tell his true story is very important, that I need to get over my blushing habits, and just do what feels right and speak for a man who cannot do it for himself
Yes, I am here today in a different form to tell the true story of Michael joe Jackson. Or as some of you call him the king of pop rock and soul.
Actually, I'm not here to tell the story of the kop, I am here to write about Michael, the man behind the headlines and that sparkly glove. 
Speaking of headlines, I think it's time to tell you how it all began, what got me to create podcasts, cartooned shows, etc… and to make sure people hear the truth from someone that actually knew Michael, because there is no reason you will take my word when I tell you he is an awesome human being, I got over my shyness again, and had an amazing chance to talk and interview his former manager and friend Mr. dieter wiesner.
What made me start this never boring adventure?
 As you probably remember in the beginning of the year 2019 a certain documentary came out to tell the world a horrible lie about Michael, and even though I was not an activist, or even part of the fandom, (which later I learned are called moonwalkers) I felt a strong desire to say something, because that lie, was too painful.
 Until this day I don’t know why it bothered me so much, at that point I didn’t know anything about a man many call apple head. 
 I didn’t even know that was his nickname. I knew absolutely nothing about him, yet I wanted to help him somehow I just had a strong feeling that I couldn’t ignore, I probably remembered something I loved about him when I was a little girl I remembered someone soft and nice, maybe it’s the little girl in me that wanted to help him.
But how do I do that without knowing anything about him and his world?
So I started to learn about him, through books, interviews, talking to other fans who are part of the fandom for years, and slowly and surly like it happened to many fans I absolutely fell in love with a man with a heart of gold who lived in a cruel world.
One of the many hurtful things he had to deal with, and it is the main reason I am doing this, is the media and the many ways they tried to hurt him and his good name.
And that is my goal. My goal is to make people understand that the man the media keeps talking about simply doesn't exist!
 it's just a character they created to sell magazines. Their greed broke his heart many times, knowing that the only way to fight them is to tell truth, and that is exactly what I am doing and will continue to do, with this blog. The media can really get under my skin sometimes, and the only way I can protest against their evil ways is to show you who they really are, how they lie and manipulate the truth, how they decide what to tell you and what facts to hide from you.
Michael once said that we should burn all tabloids, I'm hoping that we can do that by simply not supporting them financially anymore.
I wanted to start a blog because the one thing that really gets to me, is the media and what they did to my Michael, our Michael.
They bullied him for years, it's time to fight them back, they are not the only ones who can type, and use words to tell a story. The only difference is that I will tell you the true story. that's how you fight lies, by spreading the truth and never stop repeating it.
I will continue to fight for him, I made a promise to myself and Michael, I will always be here for him for the truth and for love. I learned from him that there is nothing more important than love.
And I will continue to love him day by day post by post
See you in the next one
Mdlove mj4ever 



  1. Elena Laurinaria

  2. Michael you are a vessel that pours out your love to others ❤️❤️❤️


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