Aaron carter talked about Michael Jackson


Damn! I so badly wanted to write a positive post today. I even had a draft ready, but then I saw it, the article, that ruined my plan, and my mood.  

In case you haven’t noticed, today is November 11th

And not just November 11th, its 11.11.22.

A really special date that I waited for a long time. What is so special about this day, and how is Michael related to it?

Well, in case you don’t know our Michael is into numerology, his favorite number is seven. For all kinds of reasons that I won't write about right now, if you really want to know about it there's plenty of info everywhere on line.

Today I was supposed to tell some of you who don’t know, that not only I am a fan, and a proud moonwalker, I am also part of a large group inside the fandom that are called believers.

The believers are people that not only believe but know after long and intense research that our Michael, Michael joe Jackson is in fact alive, and planning on making a big come back. When and how he will do it, that we don’t know, that part we are still guessing, but we know, for a fact that he is alive.

 And that is one of the main reasons I am here and supporting him, because knowing he is alive I have no doubt he is also following his fans, I don’t know if he his specifically following me, but just in case he is I want him to see and feel the love and support.  

So today was supposed to be a special day because I was waiting for a clue from Michael, it's like we are playing this game with him, Michael love games, so when he drops clues, he is probably watching to see if we got it. I also believe that this is Michaels way of saying hello to us in his own unique way.

I'll give you an example, on august 8th this year, I posted a story on Instagram that today is 8.8 and I am hoping something special will happen, and guess what? Just a few hours after I posted it, the official Michael Jackson Instagram account posted a pic with the number 8.

Now you can say it’s a coincidence, but I have learned that in Mj's world there's no such thing as a coincidence.  

 If you are also a believer you know what I am talking about, if you are not and you just decided that I am crazy, it's totally okay, the truth will come out one day, yes I am that confident.

 If you are following the news you know that a few days ago Aaron carter passed away at the age of 34.  Even though I haven’t followed his career or his life story, that I am learning was really tragic, I was really sad to hear the news.

I remembered that he knew our Michael, I remember watching the video of Mj's 45th birthday party, Aaron and his brother Nick from the BSB were having a food fight with Michael, they rubbed Michael's face with a bday cake. That was an awesome moment.

It's really heart breaking to know that Aaron wasn’t happy in his short life, he dealt with many health issues both physical and mental, after learning a bit I believe that his physical health was the cause of his mental problem, he was very misunderstood.

Today, I was hoping for a happy day, I was hoping to see something from Michael, but instead I got an article that pissed me off.

I saw how the media is using Aaron's untimely death to again trash Michael and make people believe the biggest lie they cannot stop repeating no matter the results of the trial, no matter how many proves we found that clearly shows that everything was a lie and that people used him for money. It just never ends.

So again today, they posted an article, implying that Aaron wrote a memoir, and in it he supposedly telling about something that happened with Michael at Neverland when he was 15.

Now, we already know its BS but people who are not part of the fandom, and don’t understand how the media works, will again think those nasty disgusting lies about Michael, and it hurts. And that is exactly what they want, to hurt.

But you know what I also realized how lucky I am to be a believer, because whenever I see a negative article it says two things to me

 1.BAM day is probably very close, and someone is trying to stop it. Bam day in case you don’t know, is the day Michael will return, and it will be a big BAM for all those who are not expecting that day at all.

2. negative storied like this, also says to me that they are really afraid of him. If they are not, why are they trying to stop him?  Is there something you don't want him to tell the world?  And also, if he is truly dead, why do you keep on trashing him Isn’t that biggest clue he is still alive?  

I just remembered I watched an interview with Aaron carter a few days ago, and he told how his parents was trying to convince him to lie about Michael for money, he protected Michael and absolutely refused to hurt his friend.

Aaron was with all his problems a good hearted human being, that unfortunately was mistreated, and misunderstood.

Rest with the angels Aaron, and thank you for protecting our Michael 💗     




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