Just because you see it on a TV screen



Today I watched the movie The Matrix for the first time. A film that was very entertaining. mainly because it sparked an exciting idea. and of course i had to share it with you . 

 the movie delves into the very essence of reality itself. 

As Neo faced the choice between the blue pill and the red pill, I found myself drawn into a world where perception and truth intertwine.

The blue pill, a symbol of comfort and ignorance, promises to maintain the status quo, while the red pill offers the unsettling truth, exposing the illusions of reality. This dichotomy struck a chord with me, prompting reflections on the nature of perception and the power it holds over our understanding of the world.

In parallel, I couldn't help but think about Michael's death hoax, an event that shook the foundations of believers around the world. 

 The media frenzy that ensued highlighted the extent to which our perception of truth can be manipulated, distorted, and ultimately shattered.

Michael a man whose life was lived under the relentless scrutiny of the media, understood all too well the dangers of a reality shaped by external forces. His lyrics, such as "Just because you read it in a magazine or see it on a TV screen,don't make it factual," serve as a stark reminder of the fragility of truth in the age of mass media.

 we all saw his body being carried to the morgue, and the memorial on TV, but just because we saw it on a TV screen, does it mean that Michael actually died on june 25th 2009? well, my five year journey into the hoax suggests otherwise. 

As I immersed myself in the lyrics of his songs, I couldn't help but draw parallels between his message and the themes explored in The Matrix. Both serve as cautionary tales of the dangers of passively accepting the reality presented to us, urging us to question, to probe, to seek the truth beyond the surface.

In today's world, where information flows freely and misinformation runs rampant, the need for questioning has never been greater. The lines between fact and fiction blur, leaving us vulnerable to manipulation and deception. 

The Matrix and Michael Jackson's legacy stand as beacons of truth in a sea of illusion. They remind us that reality is not a fixed entity but a malleable construct shaped by perception.

 In a society where the media holds immense power to shape our understanding of the world, and basically our reality, it is on us to question, to challenge, to resist the allure of the blue pill and embrace the unsettling yet facinating truth of the red pill.

As I reflect on my experience of The Matrix and the hardship of Michael Jackson's life and legacy, I am reminded of the words of Morpheus: "You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." Let us dare to take the red pill, to confront the uncomfortable truths that lie beneath the surface, learn about media manipulation and distortion of the truth, and to reclaim control over our own perception of reality.  

I believe that Michael has learned about the manipulation of the media, just like he learned about music and dance, simply by watching the great, in order to become greater. if he has been watching the media, and learned how to manipulate reality and what we see on our TV screen, we are all going to be absolutely shocked. 

So which pill are you choosing? 



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