Magical June

Can you believe that its finally here? The time I have been waiting for probably since the beginning of this year when I started noticing some really obvious clues from Michael regarding BAM day. I am not sure if I am excited, or nervous or what I feel, all I know is that I am full of hope that this month will be a magical one. For the moonwalkers who do not expect our Michael to return, (I am sure they want him to, but since they are convinced he is truly gone they know it's not an option) anyway, for them this year will be the same as every year. like every year it will start with June 13 th which is Victory day, the day our Michael got the justice that he deserved 18 years ago. I guess we can also call it Justice day, or in your face day, honestly I have many ideas how to call that day, all my ideas are about the things we should say to those who wanted to see Michael behind bars. And since I have no loving words for them I will keep those ...