Aaron carter talked about Michael Jackson

Damn! I so badly wanted to write a positive post today. I even had a draft ready, but then I saw it, the article, that ruined my plan, and my mood. In case you haven’t noticed, today is November 11 th And not just November 11 th , its 11.11.22. A really special date that I waited for a long time. What is so special about this day, and how is Michael related to it? Well, in case you don’t know our Michael is into numerology, his favorite number is seven. For all kinds of reasons that I won't write about right now, if you really want to know about it there's plenty of info everywhere on line. Today I was supposed to tell some of you who don’t know, that not only I am a fan, and a proud moonwalker, I am also part of a large group inside the fandom that are called believers. The believers are people that not only believe but know after long and intense research that our Michael, Michael joe Jackson is in fact alive, and planning on making a big come back. When and ...