
Showing posts from 2022

Aaron carter talked about Michael Jackson

  Damn! I so badly wanted to write a positive post today. I even had a draft ready, but then I saw it, the article, that ruined my plan, and my mood.   In case you haven’t noticed, today is November 11 th And not just November 11 th , its 11.11.22. A really special date that I waited for a long time. What is so special about this day, and how is Michael related to it? Well, in case you don’t know our Michael is into numerology, his favorite number is seven. For all kinds of reasons that I won't write about right now, if you really want to know about it there's plenty of info everywhere on line. Today I was supposed to tell some of you who don’t know, that not only I am a fan, and a proud moonwalker, I am also part of a large group inside the fandom that are called believers. The believers are people that not only believe but know after long and intense research that our Michael, Michael joe Jackson is in fact alive, and planning on making a big come back. When and h

My husband Michael Jackson

  There was a time when I use to post real pictures of Michael with fictionist stories of our marriage life, just to be clear, our marriage only happened in my head. It was something I did for fun, Michael one time said he is married to his fans and I may have taken those words a little too literally.   unfortunately, I can't find that twitter account anymore, but I remember stories I posted like, one time I was complaining to Michael (my husband) that he doesn't bring me flowers anymore, so he decided to pick some up on his way home from work. and I posted a picture of Michael catching flowers that fans threw at him. Or there was a story from our "honeymoon" you can see Michael looking straight to the camera, a little shocked, holding a book so I wrote something like, that poor guy, just wanted to read his book, he just looked at me and said AGAIN?? I remember people really got into it, laughing and say, oh poor guy you are wearing him out. Or I told about a ti

The promise

  I don’t remember being this passionate for such a long time about anything, ever.  I usually get curious about something, get excited and learning everything I can about that subject, and after a while I just move on to the next thing. But that habit changed sometime in July of 2019 I got interested in this one man that changed the world, yes he did.  I know he definitely changed mine. Since that year I have done so many things that I never even dreamed of doing. It's crazy what love for a man I never even met makes me do. How it helped me to come out of my shell, and being okay with recording my voice that I never liked and let people online hear it, or being on camera for the first time, when I am super shy and I would rather hide but I told myself, that my goal to tell his true story is very important, that I need to get over my blushing habits, and just do what feels right and speak for a man who cannot do it for himself Yes, I am here today in a different form to tell the tr